Sunday, August 10, 2008

An up to date article on stage IV breast cancer survivors.

While this article focuses on 3 women who had a "recurrence" that put them at stage 4, I still found it a great read. If you care to learn more about my disease and have the inclination; it's a fairly entertaining, short and uplifting article. I'm one of the 5% that had the initial diagnosis at stage 4; that makes me one of about 7500. That's pretty rare eh? Damn. I bet I'm a statistic in someone’s study somewhere and probably don't even know it. Ah well... that's okay... because it's working.

I really liked the last quote about making sure the last check bounces. It made me laugh and at first I was like "yeah, yeah..." but then I remembered; oh noooo... I need to leave something behind for my son... unless of course he reaches his economic potential before my demise... wow... that's the new prayer. To the universe and powers that be -> "I intend to live a life of abundance and live long enough to support my son until he is able to on his own." Whew... that's heavy.