Thursday, September 23, 2010

And so it begins...

...the loss of my third head of hair. I guess this means it's real, not just my imagination. Today it's coming out in handfuls. I wonder what the next hair will look like? After my first round of chemo it came in very, very gray. After radiation it came in darker with just a little gray but more coarse in texture. This time I'm hoping for blond. I've never been a blond. Might be fun to try.

I had a lot of x-rays done yesterday. Including one where they sort of took the picture inside my mouth and down my throat. The technician let me look at it and I have to admit; it was kind of cool. He told me it was the prettiest one of those x-rays he's ever seen. It made me laugh.

The results were good. Strange but good. I was told that there is "evidence" of cancer in my bones, but no bone damage. Good. I wonder exactly what "evidence" means? Live cancer? dead cancer? a "last one to leave turn out the lights" sign? I will have to ask the Doc next time I see him. I am very happy that I don't have to undergo any kind of surgery to stabilize damaged bones. whew.

I'm so looking forward to fall and winter. I love Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas. I even like snow. It's wonderful to build snowmen, have snowball fights and make trails for the cats so they can get through the snow to the door easily. Just watching my son catch snowflakes on his tongue is a joy. He's growing so fast. I think we are going to have to take a lot of "snow days" this year. I don't want to miss any of it.