Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 year anniversary

I am now a two year, two time cancer survivor. It was about this time two years ago that I had that phone call I will never forget..."you have really bad cancer Londy". Nothing in my life had ever made me feel that frightened and that alone.

I've learned so much in these two years. I've learned about this disease that is so common and yet takes so many lives. I've come to appreciate the older people that I run into in the treatment rooms who always seem happier than most people I know. I've come to appreciate what is really important in life. Things that used to really get me steamed, I really don't give a damn about anymore.

Recently an old friend who is going through marital problems told me that she thought when her husband got cancer it would make him come back to the family. While I empathize with her; I also know that cancer makes you take stock of your life. At first I was in shock, then I started to think about time. Time. Suddenly I didn't want to waste any of it. Didn't want to be with people I don't like, do anything I don't like etc. And for a moment I understood her husband.

Two years have passed and I'm still the same way. I've ended a few relationships and renewed some that were important to me. I used to fantasize about contacting old boyfriends and other people that I am still holding onto anger about and telling them what jerks they were... lol. I thought that might make a funny movie; a woman getting cancer and knowing her time is limited she stalks all her old flames and causes chaos in their lives. Sandra Bullock could play her...

I'm excited to see what the next two years bring. My son is about to turn 7. This alone awes me. 7? Where did those years go? One thing, now I love every day and every moment I get to spend with him. I am grateful.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post Londy.

Anonymous said...

londy sue! i think abt u all the time & just did a google search 4 u. i am here in ogden seeing pts & know u used 2 live here. imagine my surprise 2 c this blog! i was just diagnosed last nov. we need 2 talk! xxoo tina colleen adair aka tristan. u can email me @