Wednesday, May 13, 2009

just don't sneeze...

I'm now down to my last 3 treatments! 3! three! I'm so glad this part is almost over. And now it hurts. I have the worst sore throat; like one you can't even imagine. The Doctor said it was "treatment" related and due to the radiation. So I'm doing anything to dull the pain. They gave me liquid It works for a little while. Ice chips, candy, yogurt... anything helps for a few minutes.

But then yesterday morning.... I sneezed. OMG. That was the worst. It felt like my throat got turned inside out. I felt like one of those cartoons where someone eats surpise super devil hot sauce and fire comes out of their mouth and ears.........there were tears. I have to make sure I do not sneeze again! That's self control right? So if I think I'm going to sneeze I'm going to try and hypnotize myself out of it....

Meanwhile; I'm super happy with my nutitionist who gave me a heart-healthy diet to follow. I'm doing it now. Of course he came in with the "just don't throw up" thing and I understand why, but I told him I didn't just want to be "stable"; I wanted to be better. He took everything I said into account and then threw out the papers he had orginally brought for me. Instead he emailed me a complete diet plan with sample menus and all. He said he will continue working with me after my treatments so I can meet my goals and use the diet to help prevent a reoccurrence. Yes!

We have a new babysitter/nanny starting today. Yeah I know.. I've lost count. She seems really perfect though; and my son really liked her. I'm hoping she can play and entertain and help teach him though this summer. I know it's going to be sort of long summer for me, but I'm determined to make it as fun for him as possible. Right now he has plans to build a huge K'nex roller coaster that takes up our whole living room. I'm bidding on the pieces on ebay now, and I'm going to let him do just that.