Friday, January 16, 2009

46 is the new 62.5

About 6 years ago or so I burned the bottoms of my feet. No it wasn't a fire-walk gone wrong... I was dancing. It was a beautiful summer day at Snowbird Utah. The dance stage was outside and uncovered. The floor was made of this bouncy black rubber material. Not realizing it I went on stage barefooted. It didn't feel so bad while I was dancing although I could tell it was hot. Afterwords when the adrenaline of performance wore off I was in tremendous pain. I had to walk up a long hill to get to my hotel room at the resort. Each step up that hill was horrendous. Pain from the bottom of my feet like you cannot imagine. By the time I got to the room they had already started to form blisters. I had several huge, silver dollar sized blisters on the balls of each foot.

I thought I would never feel such agony again. I'd learned my lesson, always check out the stage for foot safety before going on.. but now I wake up to that same type of pain every day.

I don't know why, I think perhaps it is from the herceptin heart problem and maybe I'm not getting good circulation during the night. It's excruciating when I first get up and stand, but then after moving about awhile I goes away. I find that I get stiff and painful after any laying down or sitting for more than a few mintues.

So it was on one of these mornings a few days ago that I hobbled to my computer and found one of those emails offering to tell you your "real age". That morning I felt about 80. I decided to give it a try.

Armed with very current information from my recent visit to the cancer clinic I took the test on the site honestly as I could. I didn't even think they would have a place to list cancer; but they did. You also list your treatments, how long ago you were diagnosed and a few other details.

After going through the test you click to send, and then wait... and wait. About a day later your "results" show up in your email box. I opened mine to find out that I was scored at 62.5! 62.5??? really?? Wow.

Of course now comes the genius of their program; you get to click back to their site and they have lots of options to lower your age by making purchases etc. I'm envious. I want to create a "know your love life" site where I score peoples relationships and then send them a low score and direct them back to where they are promised a better score if they buy. Sounds good eh? Then I can get on Oprah...

62.5. Ugh. That hurts. I knew the cancer thing would throw it but I thought maybe 10 years... My Mom died at 70, my Dad was 82. My Dad never had cancer, my Mom did, so did all my Mom's sisters that have passed. Scary.

I'm sure my age would come down if I resolved a few things; like that mystery blood pressure reading. I have to admit I have not yet had it check again. And I could reduce my BMI. Ah well... I always felt like the oldest in my family anyway... even when I was only 10.

One good thing came from the test site. I got bounced to a site ran by the company that makes herceptin. I signed up as a patient taking the medicine and agreed to email "advice" from them and such. But much to my surprise I received a nice package in the mail that included a lot of information booklets on Herceptin and a pink tote bag that I think is cute enough to use as a purse...I think the approximately $1500.00 every three weeks that Herceptin costs makes it quite a status symbol.

If you want to take the test yourself go to The Herceptin site is