Here are some odd things I have not yet put in my blogs... for entertainment purposes only:
* Shortly after I was diagnosed I had a blessing from a Native American Medicine Man. In this blessing he said, among other things, that I would have many Elders showing from spirit to help me get well the next night. And when they did I was supposed to show them out and give them tobacco. I sort of forgot about it. The next night our lights started dimming and going bright over and over again, so much so, it scared my son. After a minute I though "oh... it's them..." and so when the lights would dim I would go open the door and say "here's some tobacco for you." I felt sort of stupid because I had no tobacco. One time I was sort of laughing at myself and said "here's the door and I really don't have any tobacco." I swear I heard a voice say, "We know, we brought our own." This continued through the night. There was quite a crowd on my front lawn. My son still sleeps with a flashlight by his bed.
* While waiting for my diagnosis I consulted 2 psychics that I know, and consider friends. Both said I did not have cancer and that they thought it was some sort of infection. I recently read that they are now exploring research approaching cancer as an infection.
* Once, while giving my son a bath, he said, out of the blue, "Mom will we ever be the same?" I didn't know what he meant. So I said "do you mean will we both be grown-ups? Or will we both be boys? What do you mean?" He says "I mean like we used to be when you were not sick and you could run and play with me... and our house was clean."
* None of my doctors are cute enough to be crush worthy. This makes me feel cheated somehow.
* My son used to be a big geography buff. For a long time I had a map of North America on the bathroom wall to entertain him while he took a bath. I used to sometimes catch a glimpse of it in the mirror backwards... and I often thought it said Cancer instead of Canada. Freaky.
* In 1971 President Richard Nixon declared a war on cancer. He guaranteed the American people a cure in 5 years. For some reason, this fact makes me laugh.
* I get this magazine called Family Fun. It has a "Mother of the Month" in it every month. I want to be nominated for the sole purpose of being able to answer the question, "What is your time saving tip for busy Moms?" with "I save about 45 minutes per day by not having hair." Then on the question, "What is your money saving tip?" I want to answer, "See that hair thing..."
* Shortly after my first chemo treatment my father came to me in a dream. In the dream I was very upset and my father had come to comfort me. I asked him what was going to happen and he said, "don't worry, it might give you some trouble for 4 or 5 years and then you will be okay." He then took me in his arms and I cried for a long time while he held me. When I woke up, I remembered the dream. I was very comforted by it; but at first I was upset about that 4 or 5 year thing... it seemed like such a long time. But then I got over it and realized that I can put up with 4 or 5 years and then be fine. I was actually quite happy about it. Interestingly I was on chemo for 4 or 5 months...
* When it became clear that I was going to have to spend some time lying in bed recuperating, I asked Linda to buy one of those big pillows that makes you sit up in bed. You know the ones with the arms on the side and a backrest. She came back with a giant dog bed—because she's cool like that. She said she couldn't find anything like I was talking about so she hoped the big dog bed would work. It did, as long as I folded it in half and then propped some more pillows on it. It actually worked quite well... then she finally appeared with the appropriate pillow a few weeks ago with a triumphant "look what I found!" She would like the dog bed to give to her dog now. I'm thinking of sending it to John Edwards. What do you think?
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